
Active Minds

We're on a mission to enrich the learning journey of Australian school-aged students from Pre-Primary through to Senior School. How? Through developmental screenings and on-campus foundational supports.


Our programs are tailored for each school, and are delivered on-site by our expert team of Occupational Therapists, Speech Pathologists, Exercise Physiologists, and Dieticians.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Patches Active Minds Program?Patches Active Minds Program is a new program aimed to support the learning journey of school-aged students from Pre-Primary through to Senior School. We do this through developmental screenings and the delivery of foundational supports and tailored therapy, designed around the needs of each school.

What is this program important? We believe that early diagnosis and early intervention are key to achieving the best possible outcomes for individuals. By working with children, and their educators in the child’s early schooling journey, we can help to identify children who may need extra support and provide them access to tailored foundational supports that will help them to thrive. 

Who can this program help? This program aims to support the learning journey of students aged PP to Senior School, with signs of ADHD, Autism, and other behavioural challenges. Parents and educators can also benefit from the program, through access to our team of medical and allied health professionals.

What does the program offer? Patches will partner with each school to develop a bespoke program that caters to the identified needs of the students and teaching staff. The program includes the following supports: 

·        Developmental screenings for ADHD & behavioural disorders (individuals & class groups)​. Note, these are not comprehensive diagnostic assessments, but will identify risk factors for ADHD and behavioural disorders; 

·        Weekly therapeutic before and/or after school program delivered on-site by our expert team of Occupational Therapists, Speech Pathologists, and Exercise Physiologists. The program will be developed around evidence-based programs and strategies I.e. SOCS Speech Program; Zones of Regulation;​ 

·        Students granted priority access to our Occupational Therapy, Psychology, Exercise Physiology, Physiotherapy and Speech Pathology services (on-campus services are available);​ 

·        Professional Development for educational staff, hosted by Patches’ medical & allied health team;

·        Provision of Patches equipment pack, to encourage self-regulation and classroom movement breaks.

What are the benefits for students? Through the support of our tailored program, students can benefit from:

·        Early identification of neurodevelopmental disorders with access to early intervention supports; 

·        Improved concentration and focus, leading to improved academic performance; 

·        Improved social well-being and confidence; 

·        Improved fine and gross motor skills.

What are the benefits for the school? Our aim is to empower educators, children and families, such that school communities to thrive. The benefits of our program to the school community are numerous, and include: 

·        On-campus access to our expert allied health team, that specialises in the assessment and treatment of complex neurodevelopmental conditions;  

·        Opportunity to create a holistic learning environment that nurtures students’ neurodiversity & unique skill sets; 

·        Early identification and supports for children with learning or behavioural challenges and/or giftedness; 

·        Improved social well-being and confidence and academic performance of students;

·        Tailored PD & supports for teachers.

What is the cost of the program? Please contact us and we can develop a bespoke program to suit your budget and requirements.

Partner with us

To learn more about how our Active Minds program can support your school or community, please contact us at hello@patches.com.au or phone: (08) 6280 1259.

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