FactsheetsClick to download PDF
Understanding FASD factsheets
Supporting employment factsheets
Supporting cognition in the workplace factsheets
Work related supports chartsClick to download PDF
Links to Useful Resources
Resources for employing people with FASD
Welcoming employees with FASD into Your Workplace
Northeast Alberta FASD Network – Hiring Someone with FASD
Yellowknife Association for Community Living – FASD: A Practical Guide for Employers
Job Accommodation Network – Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Websites to consult
Information regarding legal obligations around the disclosure of a criminal record
Providing a culturally safe environment for Indigenous staff
Employment resources for people with other types of disabilities that may co-exist with FASD
National Autistic Society, Employing Autistic People
Autism Speaks Family Services – Employment Toolkit
Acknowledgement of participants
The FASD Justice Employment Project implemented by Patches, received funding from the Australian Government.
This project has been led by Dr James Fitzpatrick: CEO of Patches, Kirrily Clarke: Project Manager Patches, and Dr Annabelle Nankoo: Senior Research Officer UWA.
In addition to;
University of Western Australia: Dr Carmela Pestell / Dr Kirsten Panton
Cultural Advisor: Isabelle Adams
360Edge: Dr Richard Cash
MCI Solutions: Jenna Baskin / Gavin Wedell / Daniel Friedman
Real Drug Talk / Experience Matters: Jack Nagle
APM: Marina Chalmers
Professional Reference Group members from SWI Fencing, Perth: EDGE Employment Solutions WA: Community Bridging Services SA: Aboriginal Legal Service WA: Department of the Attorney General and Justice NT: Northern Territory Local Court: North Australian Justice Agency: Safe Places Perth: Hunter New England District Youth Court.
Aboriginal Advisory Group: Isabelle Adams: Mara West: Patricia Oakley and Frank Procter.
Huge appreciation to the work of the Community Reference Group: Mish Gerovich: Lola Miers: Jamie Pinnell: Chris Crawford in addition to our film talent Adrian Edwards: Brittany Beatty and Bailey Willis-Cunningham.
Artwork by Annette Kogolo.
Films by Trav Morrison from FilmsByTrav.
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