Our Policies
Our full list of policies can be accessed below. If you have any questions or would like to provide feedback, please contact us at: enquiries@patches.com.au
Choice and Control
This policy supports Patches to apply the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Practice Standards for Rights and Responsibilities, Provider Governance and Operational Management and Provision of Supports.
View our Choice and Control Policy.
Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct sets the standards for the way all staff are expected to work at Patches and the values that Patches holds as an organisation. It provides a practical set of guiding principles to help staff make decisions in their day-to-day work and outlines the expectations and rights of all Patches staff and contractors.
View our Code of Conduct Policy.
Complaints and Feedback
Patches values complaints and feedback from people with disability, families, carers, service providers and regulators to ensure people are treated fairly when they use our services. Complaints are an important source of information and are used to improve our services wherever possible. This policy supports Patches to apply the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Practice Standards for Provider Governance and Operational Management.
View our Complaints and Feedback Policy.
Confidentiality and Privacy
Patches collects and stores information so it can provide a safe working environment, high quality services and meet its legal requirements. Patches manages personal information in accordance with relevant legislation and disposal guidelines.
View our Confidentiality and Privacy Policy.
Continuous Improvement
This policy supports Patches to apply NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Practice Standards for Provider Governance and Operational Management and Provision of Supports. Patches is committed to continuous service improvement. Continuous improvement requires a deliberate and sustained effort and a learning culture. It is results-driven with a focus not only on strengthening service delivery but also on individual outcomes.
View our Continuous Improvement Policy.
Eliminating Restrictive Behaviours
Patches recognises, upholds and promotes the rights of people with disability and their right to personal freedom and is committed to eliminating restrictive practices. This policy supports Patches to apply NDIS Practice Standards and Quality Indicators for support planning; responsive support provision; and implementing behaviour support plans. It complies with state and territory based legislation and the NDIS (Restrictive Practices and Behaviour Support) Rules 2018.
Incident Management
Patches will promote the health, safety, welfare and well-being of its clients and meet its professional and legal responsibilities by ensuring any incidents are appropriately.
View our Incident Management Policy.
Promoting & Protecting Human Rights
Patches recognises all people with disability have human and legal rights which should be respected at all times. Patches promotes and protects those rights as an integral component of each and all of its services.
Risk Management
Patches has a legal and ethical obligation to ensure its staff, people with disability and visitors are kept safe during the use of Patches’ services. This policy outlines how Patches prepares for and responds to risks as part of Patches ongoing commitment to providing safe, high-quality services.
View our Risk Management Policy.
Patches is committed to promoting and protecting individual rights and maximising the choice and control of people with disability in decisions about their lives. This policy outlines the role of safeguarding supports and mechanisms to ensure the safety of people with disability and the quality of services.
View our Safeguarding Policy.